Skytower Investments

Sustainable Economic Development

Sustainable Economic Development in developing countries can often be a great advantage because it allows replacing a development level that is antiquated and no longer serviceable with one that is state of the art in scope, planning and societal benefit. The concept of “leapfrog” development long admired by those who understand and wish to follow China’s peaceful rise to world prominence is a case in point. To replace infrastructure is expensive by any standard but to replace it with less than the best available is never a good long-term investment. Plan today for the world of 40 years in the future!

In Saudi Arabia there are many examples of the best infrastructure being put in place throughout the Kingdom. Skytower Investments (STI) suggests that Saudi Arabia is at a point where it might consider a technological “leapfrog” strategy for a variety of industry sectors where that might be a prudent investment as well as a great help to KSA Carbon Neutrality.

Saudi Arabia is blessed with an enviable location in proximity to trade routes and countries of MENA and South East Asia. Products produced in the Kingdom, built to the highest quality standards of the most modern energy saving and energy utilization can be a showcase of Saudi Excellence and become a global standard.

Skytower Investments, as part of its overall commitment to assisting the Kingdom with fresh ideas for opportunities for its young citizens to stay and grow native businesses. The STI presents some of the tailored development programs for job and wealth creating opportunities that come from the experience of its principals, knowledge of leading-edge technology and the long history of China and United States as a beneficiary of “leapfrog” development thinking.

Who We Are

The Skytower Investments (STI) is a renewable technology, green manufacturing, supply chain and green power production investment company. The senior management team comprise a unique mix of long experience in the fields of sustainable No Carbon Development (NCD) and deep understanding of the governmental policy drivers that support many national goals of Carbon Peak within a decade and Carbon Neutrality by 2050 or 2060.

Belt Road Initiative

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a major and transparent initiative with which China shares opportunities and pursues common development with the rest of the world. BRI aims to enhance connectivity among countries and regions, promote interconnected development, and create new space for global growth. This initiative has won wide international endorsement in the past five years. China has signed BRI cooperation documents with over 140 countries and international organizations, and a large number of cooperation projects have been launched under this initiative.


Skytower CEO Eric Fang Highlights the Investment Group’s Experiences and Prospects in Saudi National Television Interview

Skytower Investments’ CEO Eric Fang, in an exclusive interview on Al Ekhbariya TV Channel, a Saudi National Television Channel on July 14, highlighted the company’s successful investments and ...

Yanbu Royal Commission and Skytower Investments Signed Industrial Development MOU Agreement

Today, an agreement was executed between the representatives of the Yanbu Royal Commission and Skytower Investments representing the Kingdom’s continued commitment to HM King Khalid’s vision of almost ...

Skytower’s visit to Chery Auto

In a bid to continue supporting Chery Auto and its entry into Saudi Arabia, at the invitation of Party Secretary Han Jun of Anhui Province and Chairman Yin ...